HomeBusinessFour and a half crore women over the age of 20 suffer...

Four and a half crore women over the age of 20 suffer from obesity, due to weight gain the quality of eggs and sperm deteriorates. , Infertility is increasing due to obesity: 4.5 crore women above 20 years are suffering from obesity, due to increase in weight the quality of eggs and sperm deteriorates. Achi-News

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  • Four And A Half Crore Women Over 20 Are Suffering From Obesity, Due To Weight Gain The Quality Of Eggs And Sperm Deteriorates.

New Delhi24 minutes agoAuthor: Sanjay Sinha

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Obesity among Indian women is twice that of men. Four and a half crore women over the age of 20 are struggling with the problem of being overweight. The famous medical journal ‘Lancet’ has revealed that obesity among Indian women has continuously increased during the last 30 years.

While obesity among Indian women increased by 1.2% in 1990, it will increase to 9.8% in 2022. In 1990, 24 lakh women were victims of obesity, in 2022 this number will increase to more than 4.5 crores.

While in 30 years, obesity in men remained half compared to women. In 1990, 11 lakh men above the age of 20 were struggling with the problem of obesity, now their number has increased to 2 crore 60 lakh. The obesity rate among Indian men was 0.5% 30 years ago, which has now increased to 5.4%.

Obesity causes more male hormones to be produced in women.

Increasing obesity among women is ruining their health. Obesity has a negative effect on a woman’s reproductive system, which increases infertility.

S Kundu, a PhD scholar at JNU’s Center for Social Medicine and Community Health, says 8% of married women in India struggle with infertility.

Disturbances in the female reproductive system are seen in 40-50% of cases.

While men’s fertility starts to decline after the age of 50, women’s fertility starts to be negatively affected after the age of 32.

Dr Sunita Tandulwadkar, the first woman president of FOGSI (Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India) and an infertility specialist in Pune, says obesity causes hormonal imbalance in women.

Male hormone ie testosterone starts to be produced excessively in them. Insulin resistance increases in them.

Miscarriage due to poor egg quality

Dr Sunita says that due to hormonal imbalance, egg production in women decreases. Eggs are sometimes produced intermittently or not produced at all.

The quality of the eggs is also not good, so the possibility of miscarriage also increases. The main reason for miscarriage in obese women is the weakening of the quality of the eggs.

Periods stop, PCOD affects ovulation

Ratlam gynecologist Dr Leela Joshi says that when eggs are not produced or produced less, such women’s periods also become irregular. Many women who suffer from obesity come with the complaint that they do not get their periods on time.

Married women also talk about periods that do not come or are irregular, but they struggle with the problem of infertility.

Women continue to be stressed due to problems like hormonal imbalance, non-production of eggs, menstrual cramps etc.

Women’s health deteriorates due to mental tension and metabolic disorders. Dr Joshi says that every third or fourth teenage girl suffers from PCOD today. Their periods become shorter or stop and they suffer from obesity.

Dr says Sunita – One thing is quite clear that menstruation is regular in women who produce eggs. If someone’s period is irregular or periods have stopped, it means that eggs are not being produced.

If obesity is reduced even by 10%, the chances of conceiving naturally are higher.

The hormones released in the brain due to obesity are also affected. Even if an overweight woman becomes pregnant, the risk of miscarriage and miscarriage is high.

Their baby may be underweight, premature birth may occur, problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes may also occur during pregnancy.

Dr Sunita says that when an obese woman comes to her clinic for fertility, she first advises her to lose weight.

If a woman manages to lose even 10% of weight, her chances of conceiving usually increase.

In order to lose weight, a woman has to change her lifestyle. They are advised to stay away from fast food, take a low calorie diet and do regular exercise.

Hormones become normal due to weight loss. The problem of not producing eggs is automatically solved. They do not need IVF treatment.

A child can also become obese when he grows up.

Dr MC Patel, an Ahmedabad-based gynaecologist, says that the child of an obese woman may become susceptible to obesity when she grows up.

Maternal obesity puts the mother at risk of heart disease and hypertension, and by the age of 20-22, the risk of heart problems, diabetes and hypertension increases in the child.

If female hormones increase in men, there is a risk of becoming impotent.

If a man’s weight increases significantly, then the hormone ‘testosterone’ found in him is converted into the female hormone ‘oestrogen’. An increase in estrogen hormone in men has a negative effect on sperm. Sperm quality will also decrease and its movement will also become weak.

Male infertility is also the reason why many couples do not conceive, which is caused by obesity. Dr Patel says poor sperm quality can also lead to miscarriage.

The temperature of the scrotum increases due to obesity. The function of the scrotum is to keep the sperm at a high temperature. Because of this temperature, sperm is damaged.

Children aged 5-19 also suffer from obesity.

Lancet has stated in its report that 1.25 crore children aged 5-19 in the country are overweight. Of these, 73 lakh boys and 52 lakh girls are victims of obesity. Compared to 1990, the obesity rate has increased by 3% among girls and 3.7% among boys in 2022.

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