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It became known which type of butter is the most useful – AgroNews Achi-News

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26.04.2024 19:27

Butter is exactly the product we use every day. We spread it on sandwiches, add it to various foods and pastries. Although some nutritionists recommend limiting the use of this product, other doctors do not recommend doing so. This is reported by TSN, writes agronews.ua.

You just need to distinguish which oil is the most useful, and which is not worth eating. It must be remembered that quality butter is obtained only from natural milk cream, with a fat content of 61.5% to 85%. And all other products are margarine, saturated with preservatives, emulsifiers and other impurities. Therefore, it is better not to eat such a product. But the use of natural butter will bring many benefits to the body.

What are the health benefits of butter:

  • The product contains vitamin A, which is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands.
  • The butter contains lauric acid, which helps in the treatment of fungal infections.
  • The product contains lecithin, which reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Due to the content of antioxidants, butter is able to fight free radicals, which are the causes of cancer.
  • It contains vitamins E, K and antioxidants that strengthen blood vessels and improve their elasticity.
  • Butter has a large proportion of linoleic acid, which has anti-cancer properties, builds muscles and increases immunity.
  • The product is able to protect against caries, strengthens bones and joints.
  • Butter is not stored in the body in the form of fat tissue, because it is a source of quick energy.
  • The product contains arachidonic acid, which is the key to brain health and activity.
  • The oil can protect the young and the elderly from gastrointestinal infections.

What is the harm of butter, who cannot eat it:

  • This is a high-calorie product, so those on a diet should be careful with it.
  • Butter contains saturated fats of animal origin and may be difficult to digest.
  • The product can increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


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