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Pregnancy leads to early aging in women. Pregnancy causes early aging in women: Due to repeated pregnancies, skin becomes loose, postpartum depression increases life expectancy by 8-10 years. Achi-News

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Pregnancy can cause premature aging in women. After each pregnancy, biological aging increases by 2 to 3 months. If a woman becomes pregnant again and again, she begins to show signs of aging earlier than other women.

According to the report published in ‘The Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences’, aging occurs faster in women who conceive young.

Symptoms such as the formation of dark circles under the eyes, the appearance of wrinkles and freckles, a reduction in skin tone and glow, the formation of dark spots, the appearance of red bumps on the face, laxity of the skin etc.

Symptoms such as cracked nails, frequent colds and coughs, fungal infection, joint pain, irregular periods, cramps, insomnia, hair loss, weight gain, white coating on the tongue can also occur.

Pregnancy affects the whole body

During 9 months of pregnancy, the mother’s body bears all kinds of weight. Not only are physical changes taking place, but internal organs are also working beyond their limits.

Pregnancy complications begin long before the child is born. Blood volume increases. The heart has to work harder to pump the extra extra blood.

Gynecologist Dr Leela Joshi says the body’s entire immune system changes during pregnancy. There are changes in metabolism, blood volume, blood pressure and even bones.

The fetus gets calcium, the mother’s bone density decreases.

During pregnancy, the fetus receives large amounts of calcium from the mother, which increases intestinal calcium absorption. As the last month of pregnancy progresses, the mother’s bones begin to weaken.

Even after birth, when the mother breastfeeds the newborn, the child gets a large portion of calcium.

Breastfeeding reduces women’s bone density by up to 7%. Even taking calcium separately does not prevent bone loss in the mother.

Due to increased stress, women look 8-10 years older than their age You must have seen many women who, despite being young, look 8-10 years older than their age . Pregnancy is the main reason for this.

According to Dr. Nigma Talib, author of the book ‘Reverse the Science of Aging’, women go through anxiety during pregnancy.

She goes through postpartum depression after giving birth. During pregnancy, the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone are high. But when a child is born, the amount of these hormones drops suddenly.

Dr Ravi Prakash Upadhyay of AIIMS Community Medicine says that more than 22% of mothers in India suffer from postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression lasts for several months. If the treatment is not done at the right time, the woman can go into psychotic depression. This is a dangerous step because the woman can harm herself or the child.

Dr. Nigma Talib says that I have seen many such patients who look 4-5 years or even 10 years older than their age. The main reason for this is stress.

Women who suffer from anxiety and depression also have digestive problems.

If healthy bacteria in the intestines are reduced then aging accelerates.

Do you know how many bacteria are in the intestines? The bacteria found in the intestines are called gut bacteria. There are 100 trillion bacteria found in the intestines of an adult, known as the microbiome or microbiota.

It contains more than 400 types of healthy bacteria.

When we eat food, these bacteria break it down. With this, food is easily digested and the nutrients present in the food are absorbed in the body.

These prevent harmful bacteria from growing. When the gut bacteria in the intestines decreases, diseases related to digestion begin to occur.

Dr Talib explains that hormones are unbalanced during pregnancy. The whole body’s immune system is affected. If food is not digested properly, because of this the gut bacteria start to be destroyed.

Many times we hear that eating nothing affects the body. This is because harmful bacteria eat up all the nutrients. Not getting nutrients has the worst effect on the skin.

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