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Nostalgia Ain’t What It Used To Be – 21 Random Things That Make People Feel Old Achi-News

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Pak Segal. Updated on April 21, 2024

We’re not saying we’ve been feeling our age lately (*cough and twitch*), but we’ve been wondering what the signs of getting – well – Old might be.

we asked Facebook –

What is something random that makes you feel old?

Here are some of the very related responses.


Had to fill the coal shelter from the coal bunker outside the kitchen window every morning. It was so mom could turn on the boiler.
This was in the early 70’s, doesn’t seem that long ago.

Paul Fentham


Paul Stewart
via Wikimedia Commons


Always ride in the trunk of the car with the dog, not belted, just rolling. Seems unbelievable now.
Nick Cousens


That we didn’t even have a television until the age of 9 and in the first years it was in black and white.
Robert Apshell


When we used to rewind tapes with Beerus.
Joe Hewlett


When asked for my year of birth online, and have to scroll down so much, I need a nap around 1980.
Sarah Robertson


Listening to Radio 1 on Sunday night, the DJs talked about listening to 'old songs'... from the 90s
Karen Curry
through YouTube


I remember an evacuation during World War II with my school.
Zeena Phillips


I remember manual chokes in cars.
Paul Smith


Remembering the first computer I ever saw filled an entire room.
Elizabeth Spence


Toys in cereal boxes.
Paul McGrath


On a recent quiz show, out of 100 people, only 40 knew who John F. Kennedy was.
Claire Kelso


Remember when I was excited about a brand new game… Pong!
Nicky Quinby


Being able to remember when the “remote” told me to change the channel.
John is clever


I remember outdoor toilets that when you had to go out in the winter you told your family maybe a little more.
Tahir Mahmoud


When the sweets were in the dishes.
Phyllis Brooks


Remember when people responded to “thank you” with “you’re welcome” instead of “no problem”.
Alan D. Murphy


Remember that you were asked if you wanted smoking or non-smoking when you checked in for your flight.
Claire Herbert


I remember a bag of crisps costing two and a half pence
Neil Dowling
via YouTube


When I told my daughter how many miles per gallon does your car do.?
She said, it doesn’t mean anything to me. You don’t mean a liter.

Marilyn Cole


I understand that the t-shirts feel better tucked in.
Mark Williams

grant – For us, it’s not being able to fit birthday cards or a clock on top of the slim TVs we all have these days.

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Seeing these kids use a landline for the first time makes us feel old

Image via YouTube


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