Achi news desk-
In Purnia Lok Sabha constituency, police arrested RJD candidate Bima Bharti’s PA with Rs 10 lakh cash. Cash was found from the PA of Bima Bharti, Arvind Jaiswal and Habir Mandal. The police arrested both of them and brought them to the Ruffoli police station. After the PA’s arrest of Bima Bharti, political activity in Purnia increased.
Let us tell you that Bima Bharti is a 5 time rep from Rupauli in Purnia. Recently, after being unhappy with CM Nitish Kumar, she left JDU and joined RJD. RJD then gave a Lok Sabha ticket to Bima Bharti and made her the grand alliance candidate from Purnia. RJD put all its strength for Bima Bharti’s victory from this seat. Tejashwi Yadav has also been camping continuously.
Tejashwi Yadav toured Panchayat Panchayat in Purnia for 3 days and also did road shows at many places. Along with him, more than 40 RJD MLAs, one Legislative Council member, one Rajya Sabha MP stayed and camped in Purnia. The hottest seat of this election is Purnia. The competition here is still interesting. In Purnia there is a close contest between JDU’s Santosh Kushwaha and RJD’s Pappu Yadav with Bima Bharti. In Purnia, a three-way competition is seen.