HomeBusinessThere are a total of 85 hand pumps in Yashpur Panchayat, of...

There are a total of 85 hand pumps in Yashpur Panchayat, of which 40 are out of order, no action is taken on the ground. There are a total of 85 hand pumps in Yashpur Panchayat, of which 40 are broken, no action is taken on the ground – Jamshedpur (East Singhbhum) News Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

Gambaria21 hours ago

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Demand for water from the tanker in Gumthi Basti ward number 20 of Adityapur Municipal Corporation.

People of Yashpur Panchayat are facing severe water crisis these days. According to data, there are a total of 85 hand pumps in the entire Panchayat area, of which 40 are defunct. Out of the total 34 water towers present in the Panchayat, 9 are defunct. A water supply scheme is also running in the Panchayat but due to lack of maintenance the water supply scheme has come to a standstill. Yashpur Mukhiya Parvati Sardar said that complaints related to water crisis are often received from villagers.

Conversation with departmental officers including JE regarding those complaints.


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