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The question of the future of the youth in Gaya. Argument between youth and the police regarding the lifting of sand: they protested against lifting sand from the land of the Forestry Division, they said – here they are preparing for the physical test – Gaya News Achi-News

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Argument between the police and the youth

There was a heated argument between the police and the local youth regarding the lifting of sand from the river passing through Jelli Biga from the police station area of ​​Patapur in Gaya district. While the young people were protesting against lifting sand from the river, the police put pressure on them. There was a heated argument between the two on this matter. The youth complained about the lifting of the sand to all the concerned parties in the district. Only then could the matter be calmed down.

In fact, Jehali Bigha village is located between Wazirganj Tarma. its


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