HomeBusinessYouth die from drowning in the pool. Youth dies due to...

Youth die from drowning in the pool. Youth dies due to drowning in the pond: The deceased had come to his in-law’s house in Kolar village, police are investigating – Sidhi News Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

A son-in-law, who had come to his in-law’s house on Thursday in Kolar village in the tribal area of ​​Sidhi district, died due to drowning in a pond.


Chandrapal Yadav, father-in-law of the deceased, said that my son-in-law Ram Ji Yadav, a resident of Charkha village, had come to his in-law’s house in Kodar. Where he had gone to take a bath in the pool with his friends. But because he went into deep water he could not come out, he died because he drowned.

As soon as we got the information, we informed the police station. The police are investigating the matter


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