HomeBusinessWoman dies in car accident Woman dies in car accident: truck crushes...

Woman dies in car accident Woman dies in car accident: truck crushes her while traveling from home to market, dies during treatment – Hojpur News Achi-News

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On Wednesday, a middle-aged woman who was going to the market was hit by a truck near the bridge located at the private bus stand in Nawada police station area of ​​the city. He died in an accident. During the treatment, he died late in the evening in the emergency room of the hospital, Sdr. of the deceased


The family arrived at Sadr Hospital.

walked towards the bus stop

Sanjay Kumar, brother-in-law of the deceased, said that on Wednesday evening she was going from home to the private bus stand to go to the market. A truck coming from the opposite direction hit the left side of the overpass located at the bus stand. As a result, she was seriously injured. The family referred him for treatment at Ara Sadar Hospital. where he died during treatment.

The information was given to the police officer stationed at Sdr Hospital. The police took the body into custody and did the post-mortem. It is said that the deceased had three sons, Aditya, Ashish, Akash and two daughters Khushbo and Kavitha.


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