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Why heat and rain have increased the stress of farmers and the government These steps on sugarcane and pulses – Amar Ojla Hindi News Achi-News

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Alert about agriculture
– Photo: Amar Ojala


Apart from these North Indian states, extreme heat waves are also seen in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. The mercury crossed 45 degrees in many cities. The meteorological department has issued a heat wave warning in many countries for days. While the possibility of rain was expressed in many areas of South India. On the one hand this weather gave farmers sleepless nights and on the other hand it also increased the tension in the government. It is expected that the government will soon publish an advisory regarding sugarcane and pulses.

In fact, the outbreak of intense heat in northern India has increased the concern of both the government and farmers. Outbreaks of red rot (sugarcane red rot disease) and top picker (white butterfly bug) are seen in many areas. Both of these insects damage the crop. If these pests are not controlled in time, this may affect the production of sugarcane crops. Sugarcane is one of the main crops of the farmers. The income of a large number of farmers depends on it.

According to the information, currently the report from the districts is sent to the capital Delhi. An advisory has been issued at many places at the district level. The government is also keeping an eye on the whole thing. It is expected that the government may soon publish an advisory on this matter. States can be given necessary instructions for the affected places and asked to provide necessary medicines and increase awareness programs.

On the other hand, an alert was issued due to rain in southern India. Action is being taken at the state level to ensure smooth sowing of pulses and farmers have been asked to avoid water logging situations. Also, instructions were given to start a program at the district level for sowing according to the season. An advisory may soon be published by the government on this issue as well.


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