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Why are divorce rates rising in Guwahati? Achi-News

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Infidelity, social media among grounds for divorce in Guwahati as more women become financially independent and social norms evolve

GUWAHATI: For generations, marriage in India has been seen as a lifelong commitment, a sacred bond not just between two people but between two families. However, the increasing complexity of modern life has begun to stress these traditional values. In Guwahati, the divorce rate is steadily climbing, reflecting a broader trend that is changing the social fabric of the city.

Infidelity and the pervasive influence of social media appear as the main reasons behind the rise in divorce rates in Guwahati. As modern lifestyles evolve, more couples are finding their marriages strained by infidelity and the pressures of maintaining an ideal online presence. This shift results in a significant increase in divorce cases in the city.

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A major barrier to divorce in India has long been the social stigma attached to it. Traditional values ​​deeply rooted in society hold high respect for the sanctity of marriage. People seeking to end their marriages often face ostracism, criticism and shame from their communities. This stigma can be particularly burdensome for women, who may find themselves under intense social pressure to maintain unhappy or even abusive marriages.

In a conversation with GPlus, a 44-year-old woman who requested anonymity said, "Growing up, I was never taught to fight for my rights. I got married in 2002, and since then I have been a victim of domestic violence." she continued, "I was worried that my husband would never look after our children, so I couldn’t leave him. Another reason I never filed a complaint or divorce is the fear of being judged by my in-laws and girlfriend," The mother of two explained.

The financial consequences of divorce are another significant challenge. The division of assets and liabilities often leads to prolonged disputes, and leaves both parties under financial pressure. Women, who may have limited economic independence, are often the worst affected.

The lack of strong financial support systems for divorced people exacerbates their difficulties, making the decision to seek a divorce more daunting.

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In a conversation with GPlus, a 55-year-old man said, "I gave my wife property and money, thinking it would secure our future together. But months later, I found out she was having an affair with another man." he continued, "Despite everything, I don’t want to give up on our marriage. However, she files for divorce."

Financial and property disputes are also increasingly becoming a reason for broken marriages. Financial disagreements often lead to significant stress and distrust between couples. In many cases, the burden of managing money or property disputes can drive a wedge between spouses, contributing to the decision to divorce.

Emotionally, divorce can be devastating. The process involves stress, anxiety and depression, which affect not only the couple but also their children. The end of the marriage brings a shake-up in the daily routine and imposes uncertainty about the future, taking a heavy emotional toll on everyone involved.

In a conversation with GPlus, a 45-year-old divorcee who does not wish to be named said, "I was in contact with my wife for many years, but infidelity broke out between us. The betrayal and subsequent divorce were incredibly painful, but living in an unhappy marriage was also not an option."

Speaking to GPlus, Bharun Saikia, a senior lawyer from Guwahati, pointed to adultery as one of the main reasons for divorce. "Cheating is the main reason marriages break up." Saikia explained. "People find it increasingly difficult to stay committed."

Saikia also highlighted the impact of social media on marriage. "Another significant reason for the increase in divorce cases is social networks," he said. "Platforms designed to connect people also provide avenues for infidelity and unrealistic expectations, leading to marital discord."

"In 2023 we saw over 1000 divorce cases, covering both civil and criminal aspects," Saikia noted. "This year, from January to April alone, more than 900 divorces have already been filed."

Domestic violence remains a critical issue contributing to the growing divorce rate. "Domestic violence is another major reason why people seek divorce," Saikia said. "Women are no longer willing to tolerate abusive relationships."

The advocate also pointed to a change in approach to marriage and adjustment problems. "Today, couples are less willing to compromise and adapt. When one cannot adjust with the other for a long time, divorce becomes the inevitable solution," she noticed.

Alcoholism is another factor that disrupts marital harmony. "Many husbands who habitually drink neglect their responsibilities towards their wives and children," Saikia explained. "This lack of responsibility and support often leads to the breakdown of the marriage."

The rising divorce rate in Guwahati is a reflection of wider social changes. As more women become financially independent and social norms evolve, the willingness to stay in an unsatisfactory or harmful marriage diminishes. However, the challenges of social stigma, economic pressure and emotional distress remain significant barriers.



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