HomeBusinessWho are the Sabri sisters who sang Coke Studio's 'Maghran Laa'? Achi-News

Who are the Sabri sisters who sang Coke Studio’s ‘Maghran Laa’? Achi-News

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Recently, after the release of Coke Studio Season 15 song ‘Maghrun La’, Sabri Sisters’ voice is the talk of the world, including Pakistan.

As soon as someone hears the name Sabri Sisters, it comes to everyone’s mind that they could be related to the famous Qawal family Sabri Brothers and they will be their relatives, but in reality it is not so.

The Sabri sisters recently gave an interview to the American broadcaster VOA Urdu, whose video clips went viral on social media.

When the singers of Mughr Laa were asked if they were related to the Sabri Brothers who sing Qawwali, they explained that they were not.

The two singers said they belong to Karachi, the capital of Sindh province, and the two singers are not even related to each other, nor to the Sabri family of qawwali singers.

Anumta Sabri said that she and Taman Sabri used to sing separately and mostly she also used to sing Qawwali or Sufiana kalam but once they both sang Qawwali together on Pakistan Television (PTV), and after that Sabri sang at her.

They said that the host of the PTV program gave them the name Sabri Sisters and advised them to form their own band together and continue under the same name, after which they started singing qawwalis together under Sabri Sisters.

Singer Thaman Sabri said that Sabri is actually a chain and the dargah of this chain exists in India and anyone can become loyal to Sabri chain and she also belongs to Sabri chain only, there is no blood relation between them No neither belong nor belong to the Sabri family of qawwali singers.

In the same interview, Thaman Sabri said that when her song ‘Maghrun Laa’ was released, her husband broke down after hearing the song.

The singer said that seeing her husband cry, she was also overwhelmed and when she asked her husband why she was crying, he told her that it was tears of happiness.

According to Tamman Sabri, he is married and has a daughter, while Anumta Sabri from his group said that he has no intention at the moment to get married right away, but whenever he gets married, he will sing ‘ Maghrun La’ on his wedding. She will also dance on it with her husband.


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