HomeBusinessWe learned why the price of garden strawberries rose sharply in Ukraine...

We learned why the price of garden strawberries rose sharply in Ukraine – AgroNews Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

25.05.2024 07:06

In the Ukrainian market there is a rapid increase in the prices of garden strawberries. The cool weather observed in the main berry growing areas did not contribute to the rapid ripening of the local garden strawberry, which allowed the local gardeners to raise the prices of their products. This is reported by EastFruit, agronews.ua writer.

According to market participants, today the supply of garden strawberries from local farms is still very small, which gives Ukrainian producers the opportunity to sell strawberries at quite high prices. Currently, quality garden strawberries are offered for sale in the market at a price of UAH 65-100/kg ($1.63-2.51/kg), which is on average 27% more expensive than at the end of the last working week.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the price of garden strawberries in Ukraine today is 23% higher on average than in the same period last year. According to market operators, the price of garden strawberries is expected to decrease as the supply of this berry from local farms increases. In addition, a steady supply of cheaper imported strawberries puts pressure on the market.


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