HomeBusinessUs: Angered by Mobile Grabbing, Teenager Shot His Parents N Sister, Left...

Us: Angered by Mobile Grabbing, Teenager Shot His Parents N Sister, Left Dead Bodies For 3 Days – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live Achi-News

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– Photo: Amar Ujala


To what extent can mobile addiction dominate the mind of someone who does not shy away from even committing murder? A similar case has come to light in Brazil, when a child, who was upset about having his mobile phone taken away, shot his parents and sister.

The triple murder in Sao Paulo created an uproar on Monday. The Ministry of Local Security revealed this.

The head of the investigation Roberto Afonso said that the city policeman and his wife adopted a boy. One day he had a dispute with his parents about some matter. His phone was taken. Enraged by this, the boy picked up his father’s service gun and shot the 57-year-old father in the back.

He then went upstairs to the room where his sister was, and shot his 16-year-old sister in the face. Mother was not at home at that time. When the mother arrived home after a few hours, he shot and killed her.

This incident happened on Friday, from Friday to Monday the boy stayed at home with the dead bodies of his parents and sister. In the meantime, he was leading a normal life, he went to the gym and also to the bakery. On Saturday, angry about something, he also attacked his mother’s body with a knife.

On Monday, the boy himself informed the police about this and admitted his crime. The police have taken him into custody.

Let us tell you that a minor accused gets protection under a special law in Brazil. They cannot be prosecuted as adults.

Although the police are investigating the whole matter thoroughly, the police officer says they are investigating to see if the boy did all this alone or if someone else was also involved. Did the boy talk to anyone on the phone?


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