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Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri vs Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, AAP on Swati Maliwal assault case – Amar Ojla Hindi Live News – Politics: Shashi Tharoor defended ‘AAP’ in Swati Maliwal case, Union Minister said Puri Achi-News

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Congress MP Shashi Tharoor and Union Minister Hardeep Puri.
– Photo: ANI


There is tremendous politics going on in Delhi regarding the case of assault on Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal of Aam Aadmi Party. On one hand, the Aam Aadmi Party calls it a BJP conspiracy. On the other hand, the BJP leaders are also busy ousting AAP in this regard. An argument has now broken out on this issue between Congress MP Shashi Tharoor and Union Minister Hardeep Puri. Referring to the Congress leader, Puri said those who say it is not an important issue should be ashamed.

The issue is blown out of proportion to divert attention from employment and inflation: Shashi Tharoor

In fact, Shashi Tharoor said that this matter is blown out of proportion to divert attention from many important issues happening in the country like unemployment and inflation. He said, ‘AAP has issued a statement in this regard. I trust it. No need to change it or say anything else. I really feel that this issue is blown out of proportion to divert attention from important issues happening in the country such as unemployment and inflation. We should focus on what is important to the common man and not give importance to these useless issues. BJP often asks the media to act as a weapon to divert people’s attention. I beg you not to. Deflecting attention from the real issues serves no one’s interests.

Tharoor further said, ‘AAP has given an official statement. I see no need to add anything. We did not appoint her (Swati). So if they know, just let them talk. Secondly, what does BJP want by raising this issue again and again? To see that the reality of the country as the people feel is that unemployment, inflation are not discussed. These elections are the elections for the future of the country. We are thinking about the future of 140 million Indians. Let the law take its course.

Counter attack by Hardeep Singh Puri

Union Minister Puri also attacked Congress MP Shashi Tharoor. He said, ‘Ask Shashi Tharoor, he has worked in many departments and yet he minimizes the importance of this matter. Women empowerment and women power, these things don’t matter anymore. what are we doing here You say it’s not an important issue. Shame on those who say this is not an important issue. The problem today is how you treat 50 percent of your population.

Puri further said, ‘Kejriwal destroyed 170 mobile phones in the liquor scam. The ED report states that they have direct communication between Arvind Kejriwal and the hawala operator.

Meanwhile, Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said, “I don’t see how it has to do with the Indian coalition government being formed and Kejriwal not going to jail. How are these two things connected? He went to jail because he was charged and he was granted interim bail for 21 days. Every It’s an illusion.’

This is the case

In a statement recorded in the FIR, Swati Maliwal said she entered the camp offices at the Delhi Chief Minister’s residence around 9 am on May 13. He called Bibb, but could not reach him. She entered the CM’s residence and asked the staff to inform the CM of her arrival. He was told that the MD was in the house and he was also asked to wait in the living room. Then Bibb Kumar came there and started misbehaving.

He claimed that in the meantime Bibib began to beat him. Even after calling for help, no one came. There were continuous beatings. He called 112 to report the incident. It is alleged that Bihav threatened him and he left. With the assistance of the PCR team that reached the spot, she reached the Civil Lines police station in a vehicle and informed the SHO about the incident. To avoid politicizing the event, she left the place without submitting a written complaint. On May 16, he filed an FIR.


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