HomeBusinessTwo criminals arrested with weapons in Salimpur Patna 2 criminals arrested in...

Two criminals arrested with weapons in Salimpur Patna 2 criminals arrested in Salimpur, Patna: two country-made guns and 30 live cartridges found, they were planning to commit some crime – Patna News Achi-News

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The police have achieved great success in the Salimpur police station area of ​​Patna. Two criminals planning a crime were arrested with weapons. 2 loaded pistols made in Israel and 30 live cartridges were found. One criminal managed to escape from the scene.


Criminals are investigated

The arrested criminals have been identified as Upendra Kumar (50) and Naval Yadav (54), residents of Salimpur. Both are being investigated. The matter was confirmed by US Sub-Division 2 Police Officer Abhishek Singh.

Three armed criminals planned a robbery

He said that three armed criminals were planning a robbery near Jitendra Yadav’s pond in Salimpur Tol North. Rural SP was informed about it. As soon as the information was received, a team was formed. Police officers who were included in the team raided the identified place. Two criminals were arrested from the scene, while one criminal managed to escape.


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