HomeBusinessTucker Carlson's warm take on evolution was so bad it made Joe...

Tucker Carlson’s warm take on evolution was so bad it made Joe Rogan look like the voice of reason Achi-News

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Pak Segal. Updated on April 21, 2024

former Fox News A known purveyor and distributor of misinformation Tucker Carlson was the guest in the last episode of The Joe Rogan ExperienceAnd if you think that sounds like a conspiracy theory waiting to happen, you’re right.

Prepare to be transported back to the 19th century for Carlson’s view of evolution.

“Everyone is now dumber for listening to this”
byu/EvanderTheGreat at JoeRogan

It’s hard to tell if he believes what he’s saying or has found the magic formula to get more clicks, but when you make Joe Rogan look like the smart guy, you know you’re in trouble.

Reddit users stopped emulating long enough to post these comments.

I could barely get past Lex talking to Tucker, it sounds a thousand times dumber…
Dull blue

Why is the word ‘theory’ the most misunderstood word in the English language?
John Anchovy

His cringing fits of laughter were the highlight for me.

It always seems like he’s trying to deny that he farted.
JoshuaStar author

I know we all end up in our own echo chambers to some degree, but I haven’t come across a group or growing movement that throws in the towel on evolution.

Reminds me of a quote by Richard Dawkins “Evolution is a theory, the same as gravity. And if you don’t believe in gravity, I invite you to jump off a building.”
10 in your mother

It’s wild how Tucker talks like what he’s saying is settled fact. Like he’s just saying the obvious and you need to catch up.

His shtick relies heavily on not asking follow-up questions.
Dont KnowNoMore8

Speaking with authority about a matter he barely understands, and with that charming touch of condescension.

He has no idea what he even means. “Dogs can match litter to litter.” Must sound like he’s describing evolution.

This is perhaps where Joe starts to realize that Tucker isn’t that smart.

I wonder how he explains dinosaurs.

My brain started to hurt listening to him.

Just because you say “and it’s a fact!” After multiple statements, does not mean that it is indeed a fact.

While evolution denial is up there, we feel that Carlson’s rant about brown M&M’s becoming ‘less sexy’ might win the Carlson Facepalm Stakes. not kidding

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Tucker Carlson got excited about the excitement in this Russian shopping cart, and it’s the funniest palm of the week

Source r/JoeRogan Image r/screengrab


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