HomeBusinessTrue crime news: gang rape of a minor girl, two arrested... one...

True crime news: gang rape of a minor girl, two arrested… one still on the run Achi-News

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real. A sensational incident of gang-rape of a minor girl was revealed in my truth, where late on Sunday night, three people living in the village called her out of the house and gang-raped her. The two accused of rape are real brothers. After the incident, the three of them fled the scene, and threatened to kill if anyone complained. The victim informed her mother about the matter. Then a day later the mother came to the police station and filed a complaint against the accused. Immediately upon receiving the complaint, the police opened a case against the accused and took two accused into custody while searching for the third.

In fact, this whole matter is of Mohenganj police station area, where Mukesh Verma, Akhilesh Verma and Sandeep, residents of the same village, called the minor outside her house around 12 noon on Sunday and took her to the field one by one. One was the gang rape incident. During the exit, the three threatened to kill them if they complained to anyone.

The girl did not tell anyone for a day and then told the whole incident to her mother. Immediately upon receiving the information, the mother reached the police station and filed a complaint against two real brothers Mukesh Verma, Akhilesh Verma son of Jajivan Verma and Sandeep son of Tulsi. As soon as the complaint was received, the police opened a case against all the accused within relevant sections and started searching for the accused.

After several hours, the police took two named accused into custody, while the search for one accused continues. Regarding the incident, Additional Superintendent of Police Harendra Kumar said that three people from the same village gang-raped the girl. A case was registered in the relevant sections and two named accused were taken into custody. Further legal action is being taken. The victim said that on the 19th Sandeep Mukesh and Akhilesh, residents of the village, took her daughter from the house and raped her. They should punish all the accused.

First published: May 23, 2024, 12:03 PM IST


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