HomeBusinessTruck hits tree, crushes 2 dead girls in Madhubani | A...

Truck hits tree, crushes 2 dead girls in Madhubani | A truck hit 2 girls and crashed into a tree: both died in Madhubani, the driver fled and left the vehicle behind; Weeds in the family – Madhubani News Achi-News

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On Sunday evening, a truck crushed two girls who were riding a bicycle on NH 227 in front of Torehai Idaga in Lalamanya police station area in Madobani. While running forward, he broke an electric pole and the Idaga wall and came down and collided with a mango tree. Both after the event


The deceased have been identified as Sita Kumari, 21-year-old daughter of Rajendra Ram of Torehai and Aarti Kumari, 12-year-old daughter of Vinod Ram. The two girls left their home on a bicycle to withdraw money from a customer service center located in Jurmohanna. Meanwhile, when he saw people coming after the incident, the truck driver fled the scene.

This information was provided to the police by local residents. The police sent them both to a nearby hospital. One died and the doctor referred the other to Madhubani Sadar Hospital, but the other girl died on the way.

The police took the truck into their possession and registered a case in this matter at the police station. Efforts are ongoing to find the fleeing truck driver. The bodies of the girls were sent to Meduvani for post-mortem. Shouts and screams are heard between the family members in both houses.


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