HomeBusinessTransgender golfer Hailey Davidson competes in the US Women's Open qualifiers Achi-News

Transgender golfer Hailey Davidson competes in the US Women’s Open qualifiers Achi-News

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Trans golfer Hailey Davidson has shared a defiant message to transphobes after competing in the US Women’s Open qualifiers, telling her fans to “never give up”.

Davidson, the first transgender golfer to win a women’s professional event back in 2021, earned another spot for the US Women’s Open after missing out on automatic qualification by one stroke earlier this month.

The Scottish-born pro golfer finished in a three-way tie for third in the 36-hole qualifier at Bradenton Country Club.

She then claimed the first runner-up spot in the event against two-time LPGA Tour winner Jasmine Suwannapura, who claimed second runner-up, and teammate Louise Olsson Campbell.

Taking to Instagram on May 15, Davidson addressed transphobia following her win. He wrote: “I may not have been able to play in any tournaments in recent months, but that didn’t stop me from continuing to work on my game every day to be ready for any next opportunity. to compete.

The golfer took to Instagram to share a message with her followers. (Instagram/@haileydgolf)

“Now to cross my fingers and hope for the best,” he continued. “No matter what, NEVER give up!,” she urged her followers.

“PS: I have legal documentation from the USGA that allowed me to play in the first place so no rules were broken as usual,” she added, drawing back on the constant criticism of her eligibility to play professional women’s golf.

Davidson was the subject of a brutal backlash and transphobia in January when she was forced to undergo further testosterone testing to verify her eligibility at a women’s pro-tour event in Florida.

More recently, the backlash came from a fellow qualifier – who remained anonymous – who mocked her pronouns and voice.

The unnamed golfer told OutKick: “The best part was when he/she/it holed out [from] 40 feet off the green and going ‘f**k yeah’ with the lowest male tone I’ve heard all day.”

The player then went on to cruelly compare Davidson and other trans people to a neutered dog. “There’s no other way to explain it [other] than if you castrate a male dog, he’s still a male dog,” said the player. “We never call them [a] a female dog.”

Speaking on 22 May in response to the hateful vitriol, Davidson said on her Instagram story that she was “another number 18” for the US Women’s Open, “which means I have a better chance of win the lottery or enter the tournament.

“Running out of any opportunities,” he added.

Davidson also apologized for mistaking the identity of the player who spoke to the publication. “I really messed up there and apologized for what that might have done,” he said.


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