HomeBusinessTigers birthday was celebrated at Patna Zoo. The birthday of the...

Tigers birthday was celebrated at Patna Zoo. The birthday of the tigers was celebrated at the Patna zoo: Vikram, Rani and Kasari completed two years, the cake was cut – Patna News Achi-News

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Birthdays of three tigers were celebrated today at the Patna Zoo, i.e. Sanjay Gandhi Biological Park. Tigers Sangeeta’s three children Vikram, Rani and Kasari have turned two. He was born on May 25, 2022. On this occasion, special preparations were made. The tiger cages were decorated with flowers. With


The cake was designed by special order for the birthday

The sentiment of zoo people is related to tigers.

Patna Zoo range officer Anand Kumar said these tigers were born two years ago. In the last two years, he received a lot of service from the zoo management. Now this tiger cub has become an adult. Our feelings were also linked to them. The sole purpose of celebrating his birthday is to keep our employees and officers motivated.

Patna Zoo management team cutting the cake

Patna Zoo management team cutting the cake

The tigers will get their favorite food

Along with that, the message also says how difficult it is to nurture any animal. In every zoo, the hard work and arrangements made by the animals from the moment they were born until they grew up, the result is that these animals live well and are healthy today. He also said that his favorite food will be served on the occasion of his birthday. These tigers eat about 7 kg of meat every day.

Rani and Kesri in a cage

Rani and Kesri in a cage

One of the four puppies died

Two years ago the tiger Sangata gave birth to four cubs. Of these, one puppy, Magada, died of infection a few months after birth. Vikram’s health deteriorated last year. After staying in the hospital for several days, he was again released into the cage of mother Sangeeta, but Vikram was not accepted by the mother. Since then, the son Vikram has been living separately from his mother. Whereas Rani and Kasari live in the same cage.


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