HomeBusinessThey started handing out helmets after the death of the neighbor in...

They started handing out helmets after the death of the neighbor in a car accident. He started distributing helmets after the death of his neighbor in a car accident: he gives helmets to people from his salary, the policeman said – the goal is to ensure that people get home safely – Bhagalpur News Achi-News

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Bhagalpur3 minutes ago

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After the death of his neighbor in a road accident, Bhagalpur police personnel are now distributing free helmets to people. While in a government position, he not only convinces people to obey traffic rules, but at the same time he gives half of his profits to people by investing money in helmets for their safety.

wearing a helmet

wearing a helmet

The photo is of Zeromile Chowk in Bhagalpur, where the person on duty is


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