HomeBusinessThere will be no additional charge for the Jupiter Market platform. ...

There will be no additional charge for the Jupiter Market platform. There will be no extra charges for Jupiter Market platform: Vegetable market will be on ground floor, facilities will be available on metro lines – Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) News Achi-News

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No fee will be charged for providing a platform to the 242 shopkeepers in the Jupiter Bazaar vegetable market in Bilaspar district in addition to the current rate applicable in the new integrated market. That means it will continue as it is now. There is a whole vegetable market there.


66 shops on the first floor will be allocated to those engaged in other businesses for the rehabilitation of 37 shopkeepers who are currently living in Briyaspati. Municipal Corporation Commissioner Amit Kumar conveyed these things to the shopkeepers of Tzedek Bazaar in a meeting called in the corporation meeting hall. All their doubts were resolved.

Store owners in the Jupiter market are ready to cooperate – claim

Among the rumors and doubts raised regarding the renovation of Jupiter Market, a meeting was held on Wednesday between the Jupiter Market Vegetable Sellers Association and the Municipal Corporation. The corporation’s management claims that after providing full information about the transition, the vegetable suppliers expressed their satisfaction and said that they will cooperate fully in the development works of the market and will make a decision on this as soon as possible. Earlier in the meeting, the vegetable vendors had many questions in their minds. The answer to it was given by the Corporation Commissioner Amit Komar who was present at the meeting.

Facilities will be available on the lines of metropolitan cities

The management of the corporation claims that upgrading the Jupiter market is in the interest of the vegetable sellers and the municipality. Because of this, in the coming days, vendors and residents of the city will receive a market with all the facilities on the lines of metropolitan cities. The Commissioner of the Corporation stated that until the completion of the upgrade works, in a temporary arrangement, the vegetable suppliers will be moved to the mission school area, where all arrangements and facilities will be provided.

Stay away from rumors, contact me directly – the commissioner

In this meeting, the Corporation Commissioner, while dispelling rumours, told the vegetable traders to stay away from any kind of rumors regarding the redevelopment plan of Zedek and Zuzha market and not to be misled by the people. In any case of doubt or confusion, you can contact me directly or an additional commissioner, the regional commissioner at any time.

There will be many benefits of redeveloping the Zedek Market

According to the corporation’s management, the vegetable traders will benefit the most from the upgrade and redevelopment of Jupiter Market. They will have access to an organized and convenient market. The citizens of the city will also benefit, the traffic problem will be solved. Let us tell you that a plan to beautify Jupiter market has been done at a cost of Rs 13 crore 39 lacs from DMF fund.


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