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Theft in Haryana; House Stolen Lakhs Hari Nagar Haryana | Steal lakhs from the house in Panipat: The son had gone to Delhi to leave his father; When I returned, I found that jewellery, cash and a fridge were missing – Panipat News Achi-News

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Thieves targeted a house which was closed for just 11 hours in Hari Nagar of Panipat city, Haryana. Here the thieves stole gold and silver jewellery, cash and a fridge. At the time of the incident, the young man had gone to drop his father at the Delhi Railway Station. When he returned, he


I arrived home late at night
In the complaint given to the Model Town police station, Rajneesh Kumar said that he lives in Hari Nagar. On May 22, he had gone to Anand Bihar Railway Station in Delhi to board the train to his father Dinanath Pandey. He left home at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. He arrived back home late at night around 1:50 in the morning.
When he came here, he saw that the lock of his house had been broken. After this he called his landlord Ramgyani and informed him about this. Also known as dialing 112. He checked his house in the presence of the police.
During that period, a gold mangalsutra, one gold ring, one gold chain, one gold Om, one silver anklet, 8 silver earrings, 4 silver rings and Rs 65 thousand in cash were seen stolen from the house. Apart from this, thieves also stole the refrigerator from the house.


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