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The tour will be increased in the no-man’s land of Galjalia. The patrol will be increased in the Galjalia no-man’s land: anti-social elements and illegal smuggling will be stopped; Coordination committee meeting organized at police station – Kishanganj (Bihar) News. Achi-News

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A coordination committee meeting was organized between the Commandant of Galgalia Police Station and the Superintendent of SSB Nimbuguri BOP 41 Battalion deployed for State Security at the Indo-Nepal International Border in the Galgalia Police Station area located under Thakurganj block area in Kishanganj. district.


The meeting was held at the police station complex in Galgaliya, which is located on the international and interstate border, and was presided over by the police station commander Rahul Kumar. In this meeting, they discussed mainly in the border areas a joint patrol of the international border including illegal activity, anti-social elements, smugglers, illegal liquor dealers and more. Nevertheless, the commander of the Galgaliya station, Rahul Kumar, told about the intensive search operation and the jointly strengthened patrols in the no-man’s land.

It should be noted that the Galgalia police and members of SSB’s 41st Battalion maintain close surveillance in the border areas. BOP Inspector of SSB 41 Battalion Nimbugori, Basant Lal, who was present in the meeting, said that the police and SSB personnel will jointly patrol the border along with maintaining the security arrangements. This meeting was attended by all the police officers of the Galgaliya station and many SSB personnel.


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