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The thugs took the sleeping minor from her home. Thugs took a sleeping minor from home: the daughter and the family have been looking for justice for 10 days, FIR against 6 people – News in Gosarai Achi-News

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A case of kidnapping a 14-year-old girl at gunpoint was discovered in a village in Begusarai. According to the information, the powerful village people made a girl from a Dalit family disappear from her home for 10 days. For so long the thugs tried to get the girl back.


When the girl was not returned even after ten days, the family arrived with the help of the villagers at the police station and registered a kidnapping case. The incident was then made public. Currently, the local police station claims that it is conducting continuous raids to arrest the kidnapped girl and the accused.

Mother said – thugs kidnapped her at 12 o’clock at night

Regarding the incident, the mother of the kidnapped girl said that on May 15, at 12 o’clock at night, they were sleeping at home. Then three village men came with weapons and forced their way into his house and kidnapped his little daughter. He threatened him with a gun and said he would send him back after a few days.

Then, on May 19, all the family members went to the accused’s house to ask them to release their daughter. There they dragged everyone on the road, kicked and punched everyone and left them half dead. Hearing the commotion, the villager intervened and admitted everyone to the hospital.

Girl still missing after 10 days

The villagers also received information about the issue at the same time when the thugs beat the family members. The villagers again asked to file a complaint. The girl’s family members say that 10 days have passed, but no trace of their minor daughter has been found. The accused is strong and rich, he can do anything with the girl.

The police said that the raid continues to locate the girl

However, there is talk in the village that the girl entered into a love affair with the son of the main accused. Superintendent of Police Pawan Kumar Singh said six people have been charged in the case. The matter is being investigated after registering an FIR. At the same time, continuous raids are conducted everywhere to recover the girl. Actions will soon be taken against the accused.


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