HomeBusinessThe team reached the area at 4 o'clock in the morning, at...

The team reached the area at 4 o’clock in the morning, at 5.30 in the morning they knocked on the doors of the administrators and said – get up soon and do the puja, the religious place has to be moved. Widening KD Gate-Imli Tiraha: The team reached the area at 4 am, knocked on the doors of the administrators at 5.30 and said – get up quickly and do puja, religious places have to be removed – Ujjain News Achi-News

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For the first time, effective action for expansion was seen in the city on Thursday. The joint team of Police-Administration and Municipal Corporation with resources reached Imli Tiraha Road from KD Gate at 4 am. Get rid of 23 religious places that fall under the scope of objective expansion


The team not only included police, JCB-Poklane and manual gang but also a group of workers carrying worship material like coconuts, incense sticks, sweets, garlands and flowers etc. That is, there was a complete system, after conducting the puja, to remove the affected part from the religious place and install the idol somewhere else. The action was started from both ends of KD Gate and Imli Tiraha Road around 7 am in the morning. Within 14 hours till 8 pm, the team jointly took steps to remove more than 17 religious places with the help of the public.

The special thing was that the administrator-priest-trustee social people themselves came forward and helped in the action. During this day’s operation, a staff of around 75 officers and employees including Municipal Commissioner Ashish Pathak, ADM Anukul Jain, SDM Lakshminarayan Garg, ASP Guruprasad Parashar, Tehsildar Radheshyam Patidar, Zonal Officer Manoj Rajwani, Jitendra Srivastava, Jitendra Singh Jadaun etc. was present.

He protested first and agreed later

During the day, the team also had to face light opposition from two places. Community members protested against the removal of part of the mosque near the KD Gate intersection. Later, on advice, he himself began to remove the affected part. Similarly, Bajrang Dal officials and residents of the area protested against the removal of the Hanumanji temple located outside the Dharamshala community of Patidar on the Lalbai-Phoolbai intersection. The officers accepted his request that the statue would be kept in the place he indicated with complete arrangements following all the rules and regulations. This suggestion was agreed and the implementation went ahead.

JCB demolition work went on from morning till night in these religious places.

People moved the gallery of buildings voluntarily, electricity remained switched off, the gallery was of 20 buildings and some parts of them were also destroyed due to spreading. On Thursday, the majority of them worked voluntarily to remove the affected part of the gallery and building. Galleries and parts of around 12 buildings were moved. Here, the public had to face trouble from morning till night because electricity was switched off due to the operation in the expansion area.

Three temple statues and Shivalinga moved elsewhere
The idols of Ganeshji and Hanumanji were also removed from the three temples located in front of the Lalbai-Phoolbai intersection and the Shivalinga of the adjacent temple. The temple administrators and local residents, along with the team, moved them to Otley near Radhamohan Ki Gali.

With this step, the administration opened the way for further progress.
With this effective act of moving religious places of different religions and classes, the administration has opened the way for further such steps in the city. This mentality has started to form among the public, now if any road in the city is enlarged and widened, then the religious places that fall within the JD, regardless of their religion , are definitely deleted. At the end of the proceedings in the evening, Municipal Commissioner Pathak held a stand-by meeting and appreciated all the staff. It was also said that similar steps must be taken again on Friday at 7.30 am. So that the incomplete work can be completed.

There was also a lot of support from the public
The team has done a great job. There was also a lot of support from the public. Action will be taken in the area on Friday as well. We move towards completing the work left incomplete.
– Ashish Pathak, Corporation Commissioner


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