HomeBusinessThe story of identical twins in Sagar. The first brother broke...

The story of identical twins in Sagar. The first brother broke the glass, the second brother was disgraced: Ajay went to the shop instead of Vijay; The story of twins in MP is like a movie – Sagar News Achi-News

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You must have seen many movies about twins. In this, a person does some work, after some time his brother who looks similar becomes unknown. In this the other person is confused.


There is a similar story about Sagar’s two twins. Well, in most films the characters of the two are different, but not so in this one. The name is Ajay-Vijay Namdev. 41 years old. Even today, good people are confused when they recognize each other because of their looks. There was only an hour difference between the births of the two.

Today on the occasion of National Father’s Day A daily paper Introducing you to twins like this.

Born together, playing the same profession now

On October 10, 1982, Asha Namdev, a resident of Bada Bazaar, gave birth to two sons. There is an hour difference between the two. The elder son’s name was Ajay and the younger son’s name was Vijay. The appearance of both is similar. They both grew up with time. During childhood, even teachers and friends got confused at school. People are not able to recognize who is Ajay and who is Vijay. The special thing is that the love between the two is so much that they are less like brothers and more like friends. Go most places together. All decisions at home are made together.

This is Ajay-Vijay’s childhood photo, where people couldn’t recognize after seeing them.

Ajay said – I used to read aloud, Vijay used to listen.

Elder brother Ajay Namdev said, ‘Vijay walks holding my hand since childhood. When I was riding the bike, Vijay used to sit behind. Now even when I ride a bike, he sits on the back seat. As soon as he takes the bike out of the house, Vijay says, “Brother, you will ride the bike alone.” I am more interested in studies since childhood. They both took the same set of books because they studied in the same class. I used to read books out loud while Vijay used to listen. Ajay said that there is no greater friend than brother. Vijay is incomplete without Ajay and Ajay is incomplete without Vijay.

Same marks in the exam, job in the same company

Younger brother Vijay Namdev said, ‘Since childhood, we do everything together. Got the same marks from school to college. After this, wherever we worked, we did it together. Currently working in a private company in the same office, in the same position. Both brothers are masters in graphics and design by profession.

Now interesting stories related to life

Ajay was working in a grocery store pretending to be Vijay

Vijay Namdev said, ‘At the age of 18, I used to work in a grocery store in Bada Bazaar area. The shop owner used to tell me about the goods kept in the shop every day, but I didn’t go to the shop often. Instead of me, elder brother Ajay used to go to work. The shopkeeper had no doubt. Yes, when the shopkeeper asked to pick up any item, Ajay did not know. That’s why he used to shout that he told me only yesterday. The shop owner was actually unaware of the look. This progression continued for about a month. Then I told the shopkeeper the truth. He was amazed to see the two brothers together. Likewise, the two of them used to do the work of publishing newspapers together.

Glass set broken by Ajay, Vijay got scolded

Ajay Namdev said we must be around 5-6 years old. The glass set I was keeping at home fell and broke. There was glass spread in the room, then mother came there. He complained to his father. I said Vijay broke the glasses. I wasn’t even in the room. After this the father angered Vijay. The next day I told him the truth. He said- Only I broke the glasses. Because of fear of scolding he had spoken about Vijay.

The special thing is that Ajay's twins were also born on 6 June 2020. There is a difference of 7 minutes between the two.  These two girls are also similar.

The special thing is that Ajay’s twins were also born on 6 June 2020. There is a difference of 7 minutes between the two. These two girls are also similar.

Mum said – children weren’t fooled by identification

His mother Asha Namdev said that when two sons were born, there was an atmosphere of happiness in the family. As they grew up, their faces and bodies began to look similar. Because of my appearance, people used to be fooled in recognizing me, but I was never fooled. Reason – Ajay’s face is round, while Vijay’s face is slightly long. After all I am a mother. How can I not recognize the children?


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