HomeBusinessThe police took the initiative to recover the victims' money kept in...

The police took the initiative to recover the victims’ money kept in banks. Police take initiative to recover money of victims kept in banks – Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) News Achi-News

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The police have launched a campaign to return the funds held in banks in cases of cyber fraud to the victims. In fact, because they are not aware of the process of receiving the money, people cannot receive the amount held in the bank. Now such people are called and called to the SP office. SP, ASP and ACCU tell them how to get the money.

Also on Thursday, more than 20 victims were informed about the process at the SP office. So that they can get permission from the court to withdraw their hard earned money without any hassle. On May 19, Dinik Bhaskar broke the news that more than Rs 2.25 crore, held in 2400 cases of cyber fraud, had been deposited in 71 banks in the country for three years. Taking this news seriously, SP Rajnesh Singh has started this initiative to refund the victims their money. He told Bhaskar that people earn money through hard work. In such a situation they need to get their money, so they started it as a campaign. ACCU additional in-charge SP Anuj Kumar said that after proper training, people started applying. If people have a dilemma about this, they can come to the office and get information. Cyber ​​cell has also blocked mobile SIM cards used by thugs. The number of such SIM cards is more than 14 hundred. These include the numbers registered by the victims in the FIR. In two years, the police froze 2112 suspect bank accounts after investigating cyber fraud cases. The fraudsters used to make the victims their victims and deposit funds in these accounts. In most cases, money was transferred to other accounts by the fraudsters as well. People lose their hard-earned money in an instant: SP Rajnesh Singh went live on Facebook at 7:00 pm on Thursday evening on the issue of cyber phone call scam. He said fraud worth millions is done through cyber fraud. Two to two and a half thousand crimes like this happen. This includes online bullying, gaming, email scams. In the crime of cyberbullying, children are tricked by threats against them. To avoid such a case, do not accept any request from any stranger. Avoid sharing your personal information on social networks.


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