HomeBusinessThe NS teachers' union confirms a tentative agreement Achi-News

The NS teachers’ union confirms a tentative agreement Achi-News

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Members of the Nova Scotia Teachers Union (NSTU) have confirmed a tentative agreement with the province.

Last month, Premier Tim Houston announced that the province had reached an agreement in principle with the union shortly after 98 percent of its more than 10,000 members voted in favor of a strike mandate.

In a statewide electronic vote held on Wednesday, 91 percent of members voted 80.5 percent in favor of the deal.

“This agreement contains a number of important gains for teachers, and although it does not address all the challenges our schools face, it is a fair agreement that acts as a cornerstone a solid step into future progress,” said NSTU president Ryan Lutes.

“This would not have been possible without the strength and unity shown by members when they provided the bargaining team with a tremendous strike mandate earlier this spring.”

An NSTU news release says that when compound interest is included, the contract gives teachers an 11.47 percent salary increase over three years retroactive to August 1, 2023.

The statement says substitute teachers will also receive an additional 12 percent pay rise and now need eight fewer consecutive days to qualify as a full-time teacher.

According to Lutes, this will help tackle the shortage of teachers.

“More work needs to be done to fix the retention and recruitment crisis facing our public schools, but providing substitutes with more competitive pay is a step in the right direction. We look forward to continuing to work with the government on solutions to eliminate the teacher shortage moving forward,” said Lutes.

The agreement also includes an increase in the time given to teachers for marking and preparation.

Beginning August 1, teachers will have at least 15 percent of instructional time for marking and preparation on average over each semester/term.

Under the new agreement, the number of school counselors across the province will also increase and the province has guaranteed that class sizes and the training day will not grow under this agreement.

“The NSTU will continue the Safe and Inclusive Schools Committee’s ongoing work with the province to address the issue of school violence,” the statement read.

A news release from the provincial government says the new agreement is about investment in students and student outcomes, as well as supporting teachers across the province.

“Students are at the heart of our education system, a fact that I really feel is recognized by the agreement we have successfully negotiated with the NSTU,” said Becky Druhan, Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development .

“We have heard from teachers about how to improve classroom conditions and outcomes and we are acting on a shared commitment to create great learning environments and great working environments, through this new agreement and through ongoing work at departmental, regional and school.”

The contract of the previous teachers expired on July 31. The province and the NSTU negotiated together for about 10 months and the help of a conciliator was also needed.

The province says the new contract will be posted online in the coming days.

For more Nova Scotia news visit our dedicated provincial page.


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