HomeBusinessThe king extended his hand of friendship to Honey Singh Achi-News

The king extended his hand of friendship to Honey Singh Achi-News

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Mumbai (Web Desk) Honey Singh ruled the music world in India for a long time and there was a time when every film had to include one or the other song with Honey Singh’s rap, but then slowly Honey became Singh out of the limelight. he disappeared and the king came in his place.

The two artists have not been on good terms for a long time and last year, Badshah spoke openly about the fight in an interview. Although music fans have accepted that Badshah and Honey Singh could never be friends. There, Badshah surprised everyone by making an announcement in the middle of one of his concerts held in Dehradun on May 24.

During a concert, Badshah ended his long-term feud with Honey Singh and announced a hand of friendship. The singer said, “I had heartbreak for one person because of a misunderstanding in my life and now I want to leave everything behind and move on and that person is Honey Singh.”
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He said, “I was not happy, but now I realize that when we were together, few people joined us and many people broke us, but today I announce that I am bringing this fight is over and my best wishes to Honey Singh.” in

Harsoo Badshah’s big move is being talked about on social media, but on the other hand, Honey Singh is silent on this matter, but fans are waiting for Honey Singh’s reaction on social media.


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