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The Kindrai police had success. Kindrai police get success: Accused who abducted minor arrested from Maharashtra – Seoni News Achi-News

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The Kindarai police of the area have arrested the accused who took off with the minor.


Police station commander GS Rajput said the minor’s mother lodged a report at Kindarai police station on May 1 that an unknown person lured her 17-year-old daughter and took her somewhere. Thereafter, under the leadership of Superintendent of Police Rakesh Singh and SDOP Namrata Sondhiya, a team was formed at the police station level and an investigation was initiated.

During this time, on the basis of suspicion, after receiving the location of the accused in Pune, the team immediately reached Pune (Maharashtra). According to cyber location, the minor was found at Soma Gate in Pune (Maharashtra). During interrogation, he said that Rahul’s father, Suraj Saiyam (23 years), who lives in Selua village, his brother Amardeep and his sister-in-law Gayatri brought him from Selua village to Pune, Maharashtra.

After a medical examination of the victim, she was handed over to the parents who were with her, and a case was registered against the accused under several sections. GS Rajput, in-charge of Kindrai police station, Assistant Sub-Inspector Anand Pandey, constable Pravesh Dhurve and lady constable Sakshi Verma contributed to this act.


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