HomeBusinessThe International Criminal Court wants arrest warrants for Israel's prime minister Achi-News

The International Criminal Court wants arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister Achi-News

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Although the International Criminal Court prosecutor wants arrest warrants issued for Israel’s prime minister and defense minister, as well as three top Hamas officials, the effort is unlikely to bring justice to the bleeding people of Gaza. This is the second major effort in the global legal field to make Israel accountable for its atrocities, following South Africa’s genocide case against the Zionist state at the International Court of Justice. While Hamas officials have claimed that warrants against their leaders equate “the victim with the executioner,” Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned the ICC’s decision “with disgust.” He described US President Joe Biden as “outrageous,” saying “there can be no equivalence between Israel and Hamas.” The second part of Mr Biden’s statement is true, although not exactly what he wanted to express. Although atrocities against civilians are unacceptable, Palestinian factions have fought for their land and freedom. Israel, meanwhile, has been waging a war of extermination against Palestinians since the Nakba, with the Gaza massacre the latest chapter in this story. So the comparison is completely unfair. The International Criminal Court has already issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Sudanese strongman Omar al-Bashir, but neither has been brought to court. It is unlikely that Mr Netanyahu and his defense minister will ever appear before The Hague to answer for their crimes, given the protection of their powerful sponsors. However, the Israelis and their Zionist ancestors have committed a number of horrific atrocities against Palestinians and neighboring Arab nations. Israel has committed several massacres, including the Nakba, Deir Yassin, Sabra and Shatila, Qana, and the ongoing murderous attack in Gaza. Although the international legal system may not be able to punish their tormentors, history has already ruled in favor of Palestinian children.


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