HomeBusinessThe father who abused his daughters was sent behind bars. Dad...

The father who abused his daughters was sent behind bars. Dad does obscene acts with girls: Teasing starts as soon as wife goes to work, now behind bars – durg-bhilai news Achi-News

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Police have arrested a father accused of indecent acts with his real daughters in Durg district. When the girls saw that their father’s atrocities were increasing, they told their mother the whole ordeal. A complaint was then filed with the Soufella police.


Superintendent of police station Rajesh Mishra said that a woman living in Nehru Nagar Supla came to the police station with her two daughters. He filed a complaint that he has two daughters. One is 14 and the other is 17. While she goes to work, her 40-year-old father commits indecent acts with his daughters at home.

Sopra police station.

At first the girls did not tell anyone for fear of defamation, but they noticed that their father’s actions were increasing. As soon as the mother went to work, her father would enter the house, close the door and start abusing her. He didn’t listen even after his daughters refused and cried.

Therefore the two girls told the whole truth to their mother. When the wife scolded her husband, he also started fighting with her. After that, the mother along with her daughters came to the Soufala police station and filed a complaint against the accused father. The police immediately learned about the case and arrested the accused and sent him to remand.


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