HomeBusinessThe emergency services did not start even after four months of inauguration....

The emergency services did not start even after four months of inauguration. Emergency service not started even after 4 months of inauguration: Even admission not happening at Shri Ram Janaki Medical College, only OPD in the name of service – Samastipur News Achi-News

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The medical college is located at Narghoghi, Sarayanjan

The Shri Ram Janaki Medical College was inaugurated by the then Deputy CM Tejashwi Yadav along with Chief Minister Nitish Kumar at Narghoghi in Sariaranjan, about 20 kilometers from Samastipur district headquarters. People’s hope was raised, now the patients here are shifted to Patna PMCH and Darbhanga.


Even after four months of inauguration, the emergency services did not start and could not start accepting medical students. In the name of service, there is an OPD only from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Serious patients who come here are referred to Sadr Hospital.

The college was built with 372 crores

Medical College Surgeon Dr. Sitch Kumar Karna said that surgery has not started in the medical college. Because of this serious patients who come here are sent to Sadar Hospital. Let us tell you here that this medical college was built with 372 crore rupees. The capacity is for 500 beds. .There are not so many beds in any medical college in Bihar.

Shriram Janaki Medical College Hospital has become unique among the medical colleges of Bihar. This hospital is equipped with modern facilities. 150 MBBS students will be able to get admission in this medical college. This college will have 50 MD and 50 MS seats.

College of Medicine campus.

All facilities will be available from headquarters

Deputy Superintendent of Medical College, Dr. Vijay Kumar said when the admission of students will be held in this college. When will the new session start? All this must be decided by the government. All the facilities will be available from the headquarters.


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