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The election department received more than 1000 complaints on election day. Hoaxes in Chapra: The Elections Department received more than 1000 complaints on election day – Chapra News Achi-News

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There was tension in the area on Wednesday after a clash and firing between two groups due to election rivalry in Chapra. Voting for the Saran seat was held on May 20. On this day, more than 1000 complaints were received by email of the election department. Of these, the election division only acted on two dozen complaints.


According to officials in the election department, since most of the complaints received by e-mail were of a similar nature, they were sent to the Saran district administration for investigation. Internet service is still disabled. A paramilitary force, the Assam Rifles personnel take out a flag march along with the Bihar Police. There is a special focus on anti-social elements.

A FIR was filed at the city police station in a case of murder of an RJD leader. The family of the deceased filed a case against 12 named and 50 unknown. Sections 147, 148, 149, 307, 302, 34, 120B and 27 of IPC were imposed. Police headquarters Ed “C Sanjay Singh reached the spot on Wednesday and conducted an investigation. On the other hand, a case was also registered against Rohini after her at the Town Police. The BJP booth keeper accused Rohini of creating noise in the booth and taunting people.

Action only on the 24th… the rest was handed over to the district administration

What happened

The controversy started when Rohini reached the booth… BJP workers created ruckus when RJD candidate Rohini Acharya reached the booth after voting on Monday. However, the dispute was decided by the administration. The conflict then took a violent turn on Tuesday. During the battle there was shooting between both sides.

Pappu who came to meet was arrested, RJD gave 10 lakh
Former MP Pappu Yadav met the injured at PMH. Took full information about the incident. After that, he came to Chapra to meet the family members of the deceased, but the police stopped him. Here, RJD handed over a check of 10 lakhs For the fans of the deceased.

Instructions for depositing licensed weapons at the police station
On Wednesday, the police ordered all licensed firearms in the area to be deposited at the local police station. Saran SP Gaurav Mangla said that two FIRs have been filed in the matter.

Attack and counterattack by political parties

As in 1999, there was an atmosphere of stall capture, no action was taken: Rudy BJP candidate Rajiv Pratap Rudy said that Prasad had mentioned those days in Saran Lok Sabha elections. Like 1996, 1998, 1999, there was an atmosphere of booth capture, looting, officer management, etc. In this regard, we sent a complaint to the election department through various means.

Our people were stopped from going to the booth, are we booth robbers: Rohini, our people were stopped from going to the booth. Being candidates we had the right to go to the polls. Are we booth robbers? will loot the booth alone. BJP people attacked us. I planned to commit murder. Kamal was pressured to vote.


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