HomeBusinessThe driver fell asleep, the car fell into a ditch 20 meters...

The driver fell asleep, the car fell into a ditch 20 meters deep, the passengers survived. Painful car accident: the driver fell asleep, the car fell into a ditch 20 feet deep, the passengers survived – Lakhanpur News (Ambikpur) Achi-News

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A car went out of control and fell into a 20 meter deep ditch in Hensdar in Navapara village below the police station area. Luckily no one died in the accident. The accident was so severe that the front wheels of the car were thrown out as soon as it fell into the ditch. Drizzle around 10pm Wednesday night


When it was night, the driver Joseph fell asleep and the car went out of control and fell into a ditch 20 meters deep, hitting a speed bump in the field. The driver of the car and the people who were traveling in it had a narrow escape in the incident. Passersby informed the police about the incident. On the spot, LR Chauhan and Vande Kerketta of Lakhanpur police station reached the spot and investigated. All the passengers in the car were safe. Some people had mild symptoms and were discharged after first aid.


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