HomeBusinessThe dead body of a young man was found near a half-built...

The dead body of a young man was found near a half-built house. A dead body of a young man was found near a half-finished house: Hajmula and medicines were found in his pocket during identification, autopsy report awaited – Nalanda News Achi-News

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The police arrived at Sadar Hospital with the body for post-mortem.

A dead body of a youth was found in Bihar Sharif urban area, Nalanda on Thursday. The matter is found near a semi-finished house in Kantfar Mohala in the area of ​​the Lahari police station. At this time the young man has not been identified.


During the identification, the police recovered Hajmula and medicines from his pocket. Currently, the body is kept in the mortuary at Sadar Hospital for identification after post-mortem. The commander of the police station said that the cause of death will be known only after the arrival of the post-mortem report.

Blood stains found near the nose

Superintendent of the Lahri Police Station, Ranjit Kumar Rajak, said that information was received from local residents that a young man was lying in an unconscious state near a half-built house. Just a short while ago he seemed fine. When the police immediately arrived at the scene, they saw that the young man was dead. The young man wears pants. His age is between 30 and 35 years old. There are also spots of nosebleeds.

Police arrested the body and sent it to Bihar Sharif Sadar Hospital for post-mortem. The police are busy identifying the young man. Help is taken from social networks and nearby police stations. Detailed information in this regard can be provided after the body is identified.


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