HomeBusinessThe corporation's action against illegal roadside shops. Bulldozing again in Raipur......

The corporation’s action against illegal roadside shops. Bulldozing again in Raipur… Illegal shops removed: The corporation collected the carts and kiosks placed on the roadside at night; Actions will be taken every Tuesday, Friday – Raipur News Achi-News

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Bulldozer action was seen again in Raipur. The municipal company acted on Friday against those who set up illegal shops on the road. Complaints are continuously received that because shops have been set up on the road, the road has become narrow. Because of this there was also a traffic jam.


The municipal company had previously also ordered the people setting up the shops on the road to remove their shops. Despite repeated appeals, the corporation’s staff acted against the establishment of handcarts. The breaches were removed using bulldozers in different areas of the city.

Zone 6 team took action at Santoshi Nagar.

actions taken in these areas,

Zone 6 team operated from Santoshi Nagar Chowk to Buria Road. Illegally erected shops on both sides of the road have been removed. Many shop owners kept outside the goods of their shops, which were confiscated by the corporation. Along with this, 7-8 carts and kiosks were also removed from the border of the road.

Similarly, Zone 5 team took action from Lakhe Nagar Chowk to Sunder Nagar Chowk and removed shops. Bulldozers were used in juice shops set up on the side of the road. After removing the shops on both sides of the road, the traffic system looked better.

The Raipur Corporation team continued to work to remove illegal shops from the road even at night. The team of Zone 5 was seen conducting an operation along with the police force at Ashwini Nagar at 8 pm.

Municipal corporation employees boycott goods

Municipal corporation staff confiscate goods

Measures were also taken against 15 shop owners
As part of the cleaning campaign, regional and health officers go out into the field and conduct surveys. The staff of Zone 10 Health Department collected a fine of Rs 1850 from 15 shopkeepers who littered the main road of Amidih.

During the investigation, Zone 4 police officers took action against non-compliance of rules during construction in Wing-57. A fine of 3,000 rupees was collected from the owner of the building, Thatamal, for scattering waste on the road and 1,000 rupees for not installing a green net.

At the same time, the Zone 6 team collected a fine of Rs 2000 from Veena Devi Sinha for not installing green netting at Siddharth Chowk Tikrapara and Rs 3000 for littering on the road.

The municipal corporation team removes illegal shops in Ashwani Nagar on Friday night.

The municipal corporation team removes illegal shops in Ashwani Nagar on Friday night.

Actions will be taken every Tuesday and Friday

Raipur Municipal Corporation Additional Commissioner Rajendra Gupta said the operation would continue. Every Tuesday and Friday of the week, the team of the Ministry of Health and the Cities and Villages program will go out into the field and operate. He said that people set up shops on the side of the road above the sewer and throw all the garbage into the sewer. Because of this the drain is clogged.

The monsoon season is going to start in the next few days. Throwing garbage leads to clogged drains. To ensure smooth traffic in the city, the Rippur Municipal Corporation team will work continuously to remove illegal shops and impose fines.


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