HomeBusinessThe body of a young man was found in the Shyadwa canal...

The body of a young man was found in the Shyadwa canal in Hisar. Dead body of youth found in Shyadawa canal in Hisar: Deceased not identified; People called the police after seeing a dead body floating – Hisar News Achi-News

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The dead body of a 26-year-old youth has been found in the Shyadawa canal in Hisar, Haryana. After receiving the information, Azad Nagar police station reached the spot and pulled the body out of the canal. The police have taken the body into custody and kept it in Hisar civil hospital for post-mortem. Mangali


According to the information received, the police received information that the body of a dead youth was floating in the Shyadawa canal. Azad Nagar police station reached the spot and saw that the dead body of the youth was floating in the canal. After that, with the help of the people present at the spot, the dead body was taken out of the canal.

Police investigating officer Krishna Kumar said the body of the youth has not been identified. He wears a black shirt and blue jeans and his age is about 26 years. The body has been kept in the mortuary of the Civil Hospital, Hisar. He said that the family members of the deceased are being searched and if the family members are not found after 72 hours, then the post-mortem of the body will be conducted at the civil hospital and the last rites will be be maintained.


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