HomeBusinessThe 5 main secrets of growing beets announced - AgroNews Achi-News

The 5 main secrets of growing beets announced – AgroNews Achi-News

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08.04.2024 19:25

Beetroot is an unpretentious but useful vegetable crop, loved for its rich taste and wealth of vitamins. Any gardener can grow juicy and large root crops if he knows a few secrets. This was reported by Aktualno, a writer of agronews.ua.

Land preparation. Ash is a source of fertility. To improve the soil and stimulate beetroot growth, it is recommended to use wood ash rich in potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Before sowing, apply 1-2 cups of ash per 1 square meter of the bed, dig the ground for uniform distribution of the fertilizer.


  • First feeding: 2-3 weeks after the seedlings appear. Dissolve 1 cup of ash in 10 liters of water, let it brew for 2-3 days. Water the beets under the root.
  • Subsequent feedings: during the growing season, you can make 2-3 additional feedings with ash solution.

Protection against pests and diseases:

  • Ash against beet fly: after rain, sprinkle ash on the beds.
  • Ash solution against fungal diseases: 1 cup of ash for every 10 liters of water. Spraying beets 2-3 times a week.

Important nuances:

  • Selection of varieties: for large root crops, varieties with the appropriate characteristics should be selected, for example “Detroit Dark Red”, “Cylinder”, “Pablo”.
  • Thinning: Give the beets enough room to grow. Thin out seedlings, leaving 5-7 cm between plants.
  • Watering: regular, but moderate. Do not allow the soil to dry out.
  • Using these simple tips will help you grow a wonderful harvest of large, juicy beets in your garden, which will delight you not only with great taste, but also with an abundance of vitamins.

Additional tips:

  • For better germination, beet seeds can be soaked for a day in warm water.
  • It is recommended to sow beets in a sunny place where the soil warms up well.
  • Weed the beds regularly, removing weeds that send nutrients and moisture.
  • For protection against pests you can use herbal infusions or biological preparations.

With knowledge and a little effort, you will easily get a rich harvest of beets, which will decorate your table and be a source of useful materials.


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