HomeBusinessStop the challenge to avoid screens: optometrists in Quebec Achi-News

Stop the challenge to avoid screens: optometrists in Quebec Achi-News

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Disconnect, turn off and look up.

The Quebec Optometrists Association is organizing the “PAUSE” challenge inviting Quebec to disconnect for 24 hours on Sunday.

“Take advantage of this Sunday to leave the screens aside,” reads the event page. “It’s simple: families agree not to use screens (cell phones, tablets, televisions, computers, game consoles, etc.) for leisure purposes for 24 hours.”

Families who sign up are eligible to win a $3,000 vacation by agreeing not to text, Facetime, broadcast a series or update a fantasy baseball team.

Utilitarian use of a cell phone (such as GPS, making a call or payment) is fine, as is listening to music on a smartphone.

“Consider the 24-hour PAUSE as a family as an invitation to put screens aside to enjoy the benefits of disconnection, such as finding free time together to do offline activities or slow down and breathe,” the event page reads. . “24 Hours allows you to take a step back to see the place of technology in your family’s daily life, and then reconnect more consciously than reflexively, by focusing on online use that does good.”

PAUSE organizers give the following tips to prepare for Sunday:

  • Plan your screen-free time with your family by identifying activities and allowing each family member to suggest them.
  • Plan zero technology activities such as playing outside, listening to music, relaxing exercises, drawing or cooking.
  • Warn those around you that you are attending and that you are unreachable via text message.
  • Store or configure devices so that they are not easy to pick up and connect to automatically. Turn off visual and audio notifications, hide apps and/or put your phones on airplane mode.


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