HomeBusinessSports stars praise Seneca after highly successful hair transplants Achi-News

Sports stars praise Seneca after highly successful hair transplants Achi-News

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In fact Visser found it so relaxing that he fell asleep during the treatment!

“To be honest, it was a wonderful experience and I fell asleep when they pulled the hair out of the donor area,” said Tim who played for Scotland. “It’s very comfortable and the doctors are very encouraging. I watched them do it, but I couldn’t feel anything. It was extremely easy.”

Although he wasn’t particularly self-conscious about his receding hairline, Tim didn’t hesitate to get a hair transplant.

“I think it’s very normal these days for men to achieve it,” she said. “When I realized I could improve my hair, then why wouldn’t I?”

The Herald: Another loved the Seneca patient before and after photos

After researching the clinics offering treatments, he concluded that Seneca was “one of the best out there” – a conclusion confirmed by his treatment.

“I quickly realized how professional it is to set up,” says Tim. “My consultation at Melville Street in Edinburgh was fantastic. It’s a great location, a beautiful building and the staff are very professional. I was made very welcome on arrival and the consultant explained what would happen and the best method for my hair.

“We decided on the spot what exactly we would do. It was all very smooth and customer focused, which was good to see, and the aftercare was excellent.”

Professional boxer Paddy Reilly trains hard and takes care of his appearance but was becoming self-conscious about his receding hairline.

However, despite wanting to tackle the problem, he was initially apprehensive about getting a hair transplant – only to find it was like “going to your friend’s house”.

“When I first came in, I was quite worried about being in discomfort and pain, but I couldn’t feel anything at all,” she said. “I didn’t even feel the anesthetic jags as they were just a small prick to the skin. I was very surprised and overwhelmed with what has happened and the details in the hairline. It’s exactly what I was looking for and I’m happy with the result. The guys are great.”

The Herald:

Before the treatment Paddy said his hair had begun to recede quite badly and he realized this could only get worse as he grew older.

“I look after myself and I’m always in the gym, but I was a bit self-conscious about my hairline and I wanted to fill it out a bit,” she said.

“I was nervous, but it’s like going into your friend’s house as they’re very friendly, they offer you drinks and there’s a relaxed atmosphere. Everyone is so professional and down to earth, and they make you feel at home. I trust them and recommend them to anyone who needs work done. The aftercare is great too.”

Paddy and Tim are just two of the many thousands of people that Seneca Medical Group has treated for hair loss. With a history of over 35 years of experience, Seneca has provided effective treatment to more than 43,000 people suffering from hair loss, while also training and certifying more than 160 doctors and nurses in hair restoration procedures.

Considered the leading hair transplant clinic in Europe, Seneca has won many awards and uses the FUE Direct Hair Transplantation technique, an advanced medical procedure for effectively tackling hair loss. With hair transplant results expected to last a lifetime, it offers a natural appearance that helps build confidence in those who choose it.

Unlike other techniques, FUE Direct Hair Transplantation is a minimally invasive procedure that does not involve processing a graft or creating receiving holes prior to graft placement.

Instead, he uses a specialized implant device to ensure precise control over the direction, depth and angle of each graft, resulting in a 100% natural result.

This technique effectively tackles permanent hair loss caused by factors such as androgenetic alopecia and offers a more natural and denser look. It also causes less trauma to the scalp, resulting in faster recovery times, which arguably makes it a better choice for many patients.

Seneca Medical Group has clinics across Europe, including Glasgow, and has diagnostic centers in Edinburgh and Aberdeen.



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