HomeBusinessScandal in IAS KK Pathak department, poor quality of desk, bench desk...

Scandal in IAS KK Pathak department, poor quality of desk, bench desk inspection, FIR Lodged. IAS department K Pathak scam: Quality of 14k 297 desks was poor, FIR registered against two agencies, Rs 27 lakh 29k 250 returned – Patna News Achi-News

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IAS’s K Pathak lodged an FIR against two agencies.

Fraud took place in the department of IAS K Pathak, Additional Principal Secretary of the Education Department. There was a big mix-up in the supply of the bench table. After that KK Pathak took action. Action was taken against the supplier of the bench tables. KK Pathak lodged an FIR against two agencies and


K Pathak of ACS recovered Rs 27 lakh 29 thousand 250.

understand the whole thing

In fact, the Bihar government is organizing bench tables for students who have sat in government schools. So far 17 lakh 86 thousand 551 bench tables have been provided to the schools of Bihar. Many complaints started arriving on the education department portal about the benches and tables that were provided. When KK Pathak conducted the investigation, many complaints were found to be true. The quality of the furniture did not meet the established standards. After the complaint, KK Pathak got 7 lakh 7 thousand 328 tables inspected, after which 14 thousand 297 tables were replaced.

FIR against two and also fine

Benches and tables are mainly registered with the supplier. Apart from that, the supplier was also fined. ACS returned 27 lakh rupees 29 thousand 250.


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