HomeBusinessS Jaishankar Said International Khan Market Gang Tries To Discredit India Influencing...

S Jaishankar Said International Khan Market Gang Tries To Discredit India Influencing Elections – Amar Ojala Hindi News Live Achi-News

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S Jaishankar
– Photo: Amar Ojala


Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar said in an interview on Friday that there is an anti-national ecosystem operating in India, which he called the international mine market gang. He said, ‘This is a group of so-called liberal, Western-minded people who are trying to defame India during the elections.’ The foreign minister said that ‘these people want to influence the direction of Indian politics for their own benefit’.

“The relationship between Khan Market and the international Khan Market gang”

The foreign minister said, ‘There are links between the Western media and this international mine market gang. These are the kind of elite leftist thinkers who try to defame India by taking news from the Indian media. There are people with a certain ideology in the country who are often called the Shuk Khan gang. Similarly, there is also an International Khan market gang. These people are interconnected. Jaishankar said that “this anti-Indian ecosystem presents a negative image of India to the world and the people of this system are also in political parties”. According to him, when there are no problems in the local mining market, the international mining market gang helps them. Efforts to influence the elections are ongoing.

Media, universities and think tanks are also included in the anti-India ecosystem

S Jaishankar said that “media, universities, think tanks are also included in this anti-India ecosystem and efforts are being made to influence the voters of India and the elections here through continuous efforts.” This effort intensifies during elections, but it continues continuously. There is a whole system for this, in the framework of which an issue is first raised in the foreign media, and then it is discussed in the local media and then in the think tank and then at the university level.

An example was given of the attack in Mumbai

Giving an example to support his claim, the foreign minister said, “After the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, no action was taken and that was considered good. The New York Times, Washington Post, etc. praised it as a good decision and called it a wise decision. When these people praise you, you One should be worried. “Democracy is in danger in India and here chief ministers are put in jail” In this statement of the US State Department, S Jaishankar said, “The law is doing its job. In other countries, when allegations are made against politicians, are they exempt from the legal process?

“Congress has made maximum constitutional amendments in this country”

On the NDA’s slogan to cross 400 in the Lok Sabha elections, the foreign minister said, “Our seats will double in the south and increase in the north as well. We will improve our figures in the southern states, Odisha and Bengal. On the Congress’ claim that “BJP will stop reservation and the constitution”, the foreign minister , Dr. S. Jaishankar, said: “Who attacked the reservation in this country? It was done by the Congress party and some other parties of INDI. The argument of faith was made and those who had reservations were taken away 80 amendments in the constitution?Congress party has the highest record in changing the constitution.However, now they (Congress) dare to say that other people are going to change the constitution.


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