HomeBusinessRoad Accident in Hisar 5 people from Punjab died, 3 injured. ...

Road Accident in Hisar 5 people from Punjab died, 3 injured. 5 killed as cars overturn in Haryana: 3 injured; Returns to Punjab after seeing a relative, meets with an accident while trying to avoid a truck – Hisar News Achi-News

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The accident happened near the turn of Sector 27-28 in Hisar.

5 people died when their car overturned in Hisar, Haryana on Sunday. While 3 people were injured. The accident happened at the turn of Sector 27-28 while trying to avoid a speeding truck coming from the front. The people in the car were returning to Punjab after seeing the affair in Hansi.


The deceased have been identified as Satpal, resident of Sirsa, Ravi Singh, resident of Kalanwali, Bagga Singh, Madhu and Ranjit Singh, residents of Maud Mandi, Bathinda. Ranjit Singh and Bagga Singh are real brothers. Madhu is Bagga Singh’s wife. Satpal is Bagga Singh’s brother-in-law and Ravi is Satpal’s relative.

The relatives of the deceased were present at the hospital.

Family members take the injured woman to hospital.

Family members take the injured woman to hospital.

File photo of deceased Ravi Singh.

File photo of deceased Ravi Singh.

Among the injured are Bagga Singh’s son Tarsem, his wife Geetu and Dimple. He is being treated in a private hospital.

On Sunday, Bagga Singh from Bathinda came to Hansi with his family to find a boy for his daughter. On the way to Sirsa, Bagga Singh made Ravi sit in the car along with Satpal and Kalanwali. Everyone was returning after seeing the boy in the evening.

DSP said – The car went out of control after seeing the truck
DSP Vijaypal said the truck took a U-turn. Suddenly the car went out of control. The car fell off the bridge. 5 people died in the accident. The rest of the people receive treatment. All those who died are family members. The driver is safe. His statements have been recorded. Action will be taken based on an investigation.


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