HomeBusinessRaipur murder case The son killed his father in Raipur, his son...

Raipur murder case The son killed his father in Raipur, his son killed his father with a knife: a conflict broke out when he was arrested for drug use, he was stabbed several times in the chest – Raipur News Achi-News

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In this case, the police also arrested the absconding accused in Sant Nayak.

A son killed his father in the capital Ripur. His father scolded him for taking drugs, after which a conflict broke out between the two. After that, the angry accused stabbed his father several times in the chest with a knife. The matter is in the area of ​​the police station Godiri.


The police received information at 2:30 am on Wednesday night that a youth in Sant Nayak attacked his father Omendra Nayak after a domestic dispute. After that, Umendra Nayak of Parvati Nagar was taken to the hospital in Khara but he died.

Umendra Nayak was declared dead by the doctor at Makhara Hospital after examination.

The younger brother told what the elder had done

When the police interrogated the family members, Raj Nayak said that the elder brother was beating the father late at night. Often the older brother is arrested for taking drugs. Even at night his father reprimanded him for consuming drugs, because of which he became angry.

In the meantime, the brother attacked the father on his chest and ribs with a knife he had with him. After the attack, father Omendra Nayak fell bleeding on the ground. During the bloody brawl, family members tried to intervene, but it was too late.

His father scolded him for taking drugs and he was angry with him.

His father scolded him for taking drugs that made him angry.

The accused son was arrested

As soon as the information about the murder was received, the Godiri police registered an FIR on the complaint of the accused’s younger brother at around 3 am. The accused fled after the attack, but the police immediately arrested Basant Nayak. The police also recovered the knife used in the murder from the accused.


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