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Raipur AIIMS Hostel Suicide Case; MBBS intern | Chhattisgarh News | Medical student commits suicide in Raipur AIIMS hostel: Was depressed due to internship failure; Fear of drug overdose – Raipur News Achi-News

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Deceased Ranjit Boyar (25 years) was a resident of Bhubaneswar in Odisha.

A medical student committed suicide at AIIMS. Deceased Ranjit Boyar (25 years) was a resident of Bhubaneswar, Odisha. In the initial investigation, the police think that Ranjit injected himself with an overdose of medicine, due to which he died. Despite the real reason


According to the police, Ranjith lived in the PG hostel of AIIMS. On Tuesday, a fellow student who lives in the room next door knocked on his room door, but there was no response from inside. The door was open, so he went inside and saw Ranjit lying on the bed in an unconscious state. He immediately informed the manager of the hostel.

Late Ranjit Boyar resided in the PG hostel of Raipur AIIMS.

Fear of death due to drug overdose

When the AIIMS doctors checked, Ranjit was dead. Amenka police arrived at the scene and sent the body for post-mortem. It is said that Ranjit took an overdose of medicine in his wrist with the help of an injection, due to which he died.

Amanka police station in-charge Dipesh Jaiswal says the actual cause of death will be clear only after the post-mortem. The police are investigating the family members, including the relatives of the deceased.

In the initial investigation, the police think that Ranjit injected himself with an overdose of medicine, due to which he died.

In the initial investigation, the police think that Ranjit injected himself with an overdose of medicine, due to which he died.

Was depressed due to failure in internship

Ranjit is said to have studied at AIMS since 2018. He was currently a PG major. Due to failure, his studies were delayed for a year. Because of this he began to live in constant depression. Currently, the police have informed the family of the deceased.

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