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Punjab and Maulana – Expressing Urdu Achi-News

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Today, the head of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, Maulana Fazlur Rahman, dominates the current political scene, and remains the center of public attention. Maulana, who played a key role in removing the change of government from power, is still active today as a spokesperson of public sentiments in the true sense and to the bedside of the current government.

In national politics as the leader of the PDM, his political insight, his understanding of the issue and his street power and his discipline of workers have been recognized not only by political forces but also by non-political forces. He has a taste for protest politics and knows his craft.

Our national tragedy is that a few years after the formation of Pakistan due to the death of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Liaquat Khan, due to the leadership vacuum, the organization came to Pakistani politics and that is why the anti came. -establishment politics has begun. And as the establishment’s involvement in politics increased, the anti-establishment narrative also became popular, but due to the inappropriate behavior of the petty political leadership, this narrative went on a collision course with the establishment. Then the nation’s ears were confused after the arrival of the change government, one page after another, then Nawaz Sharif’s slogan “Respect the vote” was accepted and it seemed that the Muslim League had reached the peak of its popularity PDM government and after elections on February 8, the two major parties in government remained the B team of the Muslim-Nun League and the People’s Party organization.

On the other hand, PTI raises the anti-establishment slogan, but also wants to reach an agreement with them. Maulana’s stance against rigging in the 2024 elections and choosing the field instead of parliament, his protest politics gave a dignified and serious look to anti-establishment politics, he is convinced of respecting national institutions, but the demand in harsh words is saying that “Everyone must go back to their own circle” This is the recipe, if followed, that everything will be fine and this country will once again be on the road to progress.

In the previous column, we have mentioned that due to the undemocratic behavior of the two main parties participating in the PDM, Maulana is spending his energy this time on treating the disease, which is accepted by the public, and the serious political efforts of all parties. The workers stare at Maulana to see what Maulana will do next.

From time to time, all the major parties of the country have accepted Maulana as their leader. Today his worst political enemy Imran Khan Niazi is also instructing his team to contact Maulana again and again, but some Tehreek-e-Insaf leaders and social media thugs have nothing but hatred for Maulana, so we will have to Maulana think a hundred times before doing. any kind of alliance with Tehreek-e-Insaaf because this unnatural alliance may prove to be a double-edged sword. Lest it happen this time that his worst enemy enters the powerhouse on Maulana’s strength. And then the story of a page begins.

Among all the political parties, PML-N is the only party whose alliance would be natural and easy for the workers of both parties to accept. But ever since Sheen was pulled from Noon, Nawaz Sharif’s narrative has been buried. But the majority of people still look towards their leadership standing with this narrative. On the other hand, the walled PTI is currently looking for support to move forward, the purpose of frequent contacts with JUI may be that they want to move forward by sitting on the shoulders of Maulana and his party.

Earlier, Muslim League-Nuns and People’s Party had done the same with JUI. So, in my opinion, it is better for Maulana to fly alone and make Punjab the center of his activities than to go with PTI. As PML-N workers are not ready to go with the narrative of “Sheen”, Nawaz Sharif has the shackles of Prime Ministership of Maryam Nawaz and in the hearts of PML-N workers there is respect and devotion for Maulana .There are feelings, they are’ n sat ready to respond to Maulana’s voice.

If Maulana can attract Pakistan Muslim Noon workers to him, then Maulana will not need anyone else, but it may happen that Maulana leaves Tehreek-e-Insaaf alliance, because if PTI joins Maulana on the platform up, we the Non-League workers will even come close to them.

For any political party to play a vibrant role in the politics of the country, it is inevitable to mobilize the party in Punjab, so Maulana should not waste this opportunity. For the first time in Punjab, Maulana has a cabinet and a dynamic provincial leadership which has created a stir in Punjab for the past year, but until the Jamiat is organized at the Union Council level in Punjab, there will be no talk. After organizing at the Union Council level, if Maulana’s focus becomes Punjab, then it may cause an unexpected upheaval in Pakistani politics. No movement can succeed until Punjab wakes up.

This time, Maulana has to move forward with the knowledge of the awakening of Punjab, which he started by provoking the people of Punjab while addressing his press conference recently, but the most politically marginalized, are voting again again and again for the same people who humiliate them every time. Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam is not voting because we do not have elected people who are sucking the blood of people of Punjab, our candidates are not agents of the establishment, our representatives are representatives of the people from among the people.

The people of Punjab will have to understand that there will be no talk of bringing their true representatives to the assemblies in the elections. The people of Punjab will have to change this outdated system, they will have to sacrifice for it, even if they have to go to jails or graves, but they will have to liberate their generations.

Maulana has shown his strength in Balochistan, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, now it is Punjab’s turn. But the counter policy is also being worked for sabotaging Maulana’s protest movement, in the coming days a character assassination campaign may be started regarding Maulana or his close associates, mud will be thrown to his feet, the public should be misled by distorting the statements that have already begun.

In response to a journalist’s question at the Multan press conference, what Maulana said, a private TV channel gave its own color and gave the impression that “Maulana made his claim of being a Jewish agent associated with Imran Khan for purposes political.” The slogan said, “Although Maulana still stands with the same position. In my opinion, this was the first attack by the media on Maulana’s protest movement to weaken Maulana’s position by tying him in controversial statements.

This was the first attack but not the last, Maulana should be prepared for more such attacks. Maulana is aware of this, the next day he addressed the journalists at the press conference and said, “Journalistic and ethical values ​​demand that you convey the same words to the nation as I am saying. ” It will be dishonest to attribute your desire or someone else’s desire to me.” Finally, I ask the rulers and politicians of this country to have mercy on the country, everyone admit their mistakes and go back to their own constitutional boundaries. spell.


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