HomeBusinessPt. Vijayshankar Mehta's column - The future of children depends on...

Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta’s column – The future of children depends on the style of upbringing. Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta column: The future of children depends on the parenting style Achi-News

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  • Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta’s Column Children’s Future Depends on Parenting Style

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The safe sleep of any king depends on the intentions of the guardian. Similarly, the future of children depends on the parenting style of their parents. Not knowing what is going to come in his life in the future.

If good comes, they should not go mad and if bad comes, they should not go mad. We will have to prepare for this from childhood. Today it can be seen that, during the holiday season, most of the parents have included their children in extracurricular activities. What is not being taught? This is also necessary. But in this era, some things are even more important.

Parents spent more and more time with their children. Sit with them and when together you will be body, mind and soul. No one should have a mobile phone or remote control in their hands either. One should also chat in such a way that the words touch the heart directly. If we do this then children will learn some things without being taught, which will be very useful in their life.

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